Greg Hart
designs immersive experiences for MediView.

He commutes to the Cleveland Clinic from Coeur d'Alene where he's raising four kids and a vizsla with his wife. Under the constraints of designing life, he's passed through Salt Lake City, Bucharest, BYU, and Palo Alto.

He's designed 3D UI at HeartFlow, created effects for DreamWorks, built interactive installations for museums, and helped pre-med students visualize organic chemistry.

On the weekends he's likely doing the dad thing, redesigning spaces at home, or nerding out on first-person model airplane flight.

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Augmented Reality


Give physicians increased vision into the patient, align their natual senses (e.g. hand-eye coordination), and reduce the learning curve to assemble 2D image slices in their minds as 3D structures. Ultrasound-based, needle-guided procedures are an ideal use-case for the strengths of augmented reality technologies.

User Researcher, Information Architect, Interaction Designer, Human Factors Engineer

We started with Microsoft's Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) and started customizing interactions and UI based on feedback for formative usability studies sampling dozens of clinical participants.

HoloLens, MRTK, Figma, Unity, Houdini

Currently available through MediView as a Class I medical device. Class II ETA 2023.

Mobile and Web 3D Viewer

Keep it simple! Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is already foreign enough to Radiologists and Cardiologists. Add ontop of that this previously unheard of ability for the clinician to model and predict flow in a patient's coronary arteries. Complexity needed to be designed out to give users an intuitive tool that fits their mental model of narrowings in the arteries and one they can pickup and use without studying a manual.

User Researcher, Information Architect, Lead Designer. Additional design by Alven Wang.

Countless hours of interviews and contextual inquiry. Design, prototype, test, repeat. Over and over again until we knew we had designed out major risks both to patient safety and to the business.

Sketch, InVision, Lottie, AfterEffects, Houdini, Unity

Because of the resources put into user research, the HeartFlow Planner is a great example of a product where definition and iteration happend in the lo-fi design phase (think, less expensive) instead of the hi-fi implementation phase (think, lots of engineers and expensive). FDA approved August 2019!

3D Visualization & Prototyping

User research revealed that interventional cardiologists in a sterile cath lab wish to touch as little as possible and must resort to barking commands to staff to operate equiptment. In addition, clinicians trust the DICOM imagery as the "real" images and benefit from the HeartFlow model being co-registered with plaque and calcium information in the DICOM images.

User Researcher, Principal Designer, Prototyper

Contextual inquiry revealed workflow gaps and therefore design opportunities, prototyping and formative usability evaluations

Houdini, Unity, C#, LEAP Motion, Sketch

These prototypes "hit the cutting room floor". The product needed to focus in on a much narrower minimal viable product (MVP), therefore these concepts were shelved for another day.

HeartFlow Report

HeartFlow cFFR Report HeartFlow FFRct Page2 HeartFlow FFRct Summary

A self-explanitory (to a general cardiologist), one-page overview of the HearFlow Analysis, compatible with electronic health record systems (EHR's), FAX machines (no joke) and color-blindness. Something that leads the user to deeper engagement with the interactive experience on web or mobile.

User Researcher, Principal Designer

Semi-structured interviews, contextual inquiry, guidelines research, over 70 design iterations!, formative usability, summative usability validation

Houdini, Adobe Illustrator

The same information was repeated three times in degrees of fidelity: textual, tabular and visual. Very little iteration was required by the development team after release due to the extensive user research performed and positive customer reception of this insights-driven design.

HeartFlow Design System


Output between teams and platforms was inconsistent. Designers were spending way too much time policing the function and styling of work produced by these internal teams and outside design contractors. Fixing the issue in one place gave no guarantee that the same issue would also be fixed elsewhere. Frustrating for everyone involved.

Project and Design Lead. Additional contribution by Josh Richman and Alaina Hower.

Input was gathered from cross-functional stakeholders such as Marketing, Engineering and Product. Design team would iterate and then review with these stakeholders.

Sketch, Abstract, InVision, YAML/JSON design tokens, HTML/CSS

Styling changes are now much easier to digest. UI Kit in Sketch makes wireframeing far more efficient. A shared UI Component Library ensures that updates are inherited by shared components, ultimately enabling greater consistency as the company scales.

FX Animation


DreamWorks encompased a focus on atmospheric effects via particle, rigid body and fluid simulation as well as representing the needs of the FX artists to R&D regarding compositing tools.

FX Lead, FX Animator, Mentor, Instructor, User Advocate

Maya, Houdini, Nuke, MEL, hscript, C#, python, Proprietary PDI tools

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